A trust is a complex legal vehicle and it is important that you seek advice from a qualified lawyer to help you through the process.29/08/2022
Samuels Solicitors sponsoring this year’s Sea Ilfracombe Maritime Festival.26/08/2022
The Kardashians will pay nothing to Blac Chyna following the outcome of a libel claim in the USA.06/07/2022
A recent decision sees a return to the stricter provisions for service of claims under the Civil Procedure Rules.01/07/2022
If you are the victim of revenge porn and images have been shared without your consent, what can you do?20/06/2022
The Trusts of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act sounds complex, but what does it do and how can it help you?14/06/2022
In a recent case, a woman was detained under the Mental Health Act after stalking the Beckham family, and visiting their daughter's school, claiming to be her mother.06/06/2022
There is a stark comparison between televised and non-televised libel trials on each side of the Atlantic, but could it undermine our English libel courts?16/05/2022
An unusual recent case addressed the issue of fraudulent calumny and overturned a will as the testator has been lied to by his daughter.12/05/2022
Solicitors who failed to bring a claim in relation to the MMR vaccine in time have escaped a negligence claim, as the MMR vaccine claim was bound to fail, says judge.03/05/2022
It looks like the right to roam will continue to be restricted, but what are the competing interests?26/04/2022
The disastrous conclusion of Johnny Depp's English libel case has seen the resurrection of his suit against Amber Heard in the USA.22/04/2022