Estate and Tax Planning Articles and News
It is often said that there are only two certainties, death and taxes, and the two go hand in hand after you pass away. There can be a very high tax burden for your loved ones to meet if you don’t plan properly before your death. It is possible to take steps to minimise your tax burden on death, to ensure that as much of your estate as possible passes to your loved ones and the causes that you care about. It is extremely important that you are advised about these issues by properly qualified professionals, as schemes can easily fall foul of the rules and fail, if all aspects and legalities have not been followed. Samuels has been helping clients plan to minimise their tax burden on death for many decades, and we have a team of experienced professionals on hand to ensure that you and your family are as protected as possible.
When your will is being prepared, make sure you also get the relevant tax advice.11/12/2017
We will check your will for free to see if any changes are needed. Just call 01271 343457 to arrange.04/08/2016