Personal Injury Claims Articles and News

Personal injury claims arise when you have been hurt and it was someone else’s fault. In a lot of cases, this could be because of a car accident, but in other cases, it could be because you have been injured in a shop or in a public place, because someone has not taken care to ensure that the area is safe. When you are treated by a doctor, or when you go into hospital, you are entitled to expect that you will receive care of a high standard. When that goes wrong, the results can be devastating and you can be left with serious pain. If you believe that you may have a claim for personal injury, we can help. We can arrange for you to be assessed by an expert who will be able to prepare a report about your injuries and the prognosis of your disease or pain. The next step is to try to negotiate a settlement with the defendant, and in many cases that can be achieved without having to issue court proceedings. Our expert solicitors will be happy to talk to you about your personal injury claim today.