New rules about building extensions to property
Judith Thompson 27-09-2019
Extensions to properties have generally required planning permission, except in limited circumstances. Many property owners choose to extend rather than move, as it avoids the cost of stamp duty, and can significantly add to the value of a home. But what are the current rules, and how much extra can you add to your property without having to make a planning application?
Applications for planning permission can be costly, complex and time-consuming, and home owners will generally welcome any assistance which can make the process easier.
Temporary rules concerning extensions to dwellings, which have been tested for some time, will now be made permanent. The new rules will allow home owners to build bigger single storey extensions without the need for applying for planning permission.
There are different rules for different properties and there is a limit on the size of extension which can be built, depending on the type of property which is being extended.
- Terraced or semi-detached houses - 6 metre extensions are permitted
- Detached houses - 8 metre extensions are permitted
If extensions of less than 6 or 8 metres are to be built (depending on the type of property), all that a homeowner has to do is give notice to the Council, who will then contact the neighbours. It should be noted that Building Regulations approval will still be required in most cases.
Local Planning Authorities are not concerned with civil law rights, such as nuisance, trespass and/or the interference with rights of way or other easements but these issues can still arise when extensions to properties are built.
Therefore, if you receive notice of a planned extension at a neighbour's house, and feel it would breach your property rights then please contact us at Samuels Solicitors LLP who are specialists in protection of property rights.