Law Firm Misses Kevin Spacey's Defence Deadline
Ben Powell 27-08-2024
Earlier this year, law firm Carter-Ruck rather inexplicably failed to file a defence on behalf of its celebrity client, Kevin Spacey. As a result, default judgment was obtained by the Claimant against Mr Spacey.
The mistake happened after Carter-Ruck obtained a stay of the civil claim for damages against Mr Spacey. The stay order provided that a defence had to be filed three and a half months after the conclusion of the criminal case against Mr Spacey.
Spacey was acquitted of all criminal charges on July 26, 2023, and so the clock started running. However, Carter-Ruck failed to file a defence within the specified timeframe and Mr Spacey had to make an application to the court, asking for permission for his claim to continue.
During the hearing of Mr Spacey's application, the judge criticised Carter-Ruck and the partner who had dealt with the case, saying he had not acknowledged the mistakes he had made and had been rather aggressive.
Mr Spacey was eventually given permission to continue with his case, maybe with a little less faith in his lawyers than he had previously.
As this case demonstrates, all law firms can make mistakes. Common, but entirely avoidable errors and solicitor negligence, such as missed deadlines, can have a hugely damaging impact for clients.
If your solicitor has missed a deadline, you may be able to bring a claim for compensation. Contact us today for a discussion with one of our expert lawyers.