Revenge Porn in the spotlight again
Judith Thompson 24-01-2018
The BBC has published an interesting and useful report about Revenge Porn this morning.
The article has been published in the wake of Chrissy Chambers winning a four year legal battle against an ex partner who had shared sexual images of her online.
The article highlights the importance of the Revenge Porn Helpline which provides help and support to victims.
The advice provided in the BBC article covers the preservation of evidence, which is crucial if action is to be taken against an individual who has posted material online, reporting the violation of your privacy, using your "right to be forgotten" and provides other useful guidance.
Judith Thompson, partner in Samuels Solicitors, says: "We have been at the forefront of assisting clients with the right to be forgotten, which can be a very effective tool in the removal of unwanted internet search results. Whilst this method does not mean material is deleted from the internet, it can make it very difficult to access, which in a lot of cases is what clients ultimately want to achieve."
At Samuels Solicitors, we can help you bring a claim for damages for breach of privacy, as well as assisting you with applications to Google and other internet search engines to block unwanted material. We charge competitive fees for this work, which we will always agree with you in advance, so there are no nasty surprises.
If you have already made an application for the right to be forgotten, which has not been successful, we can also help with appeals to the Information Commissioner's Office.
If someone has published private photographs of you online, our experienced and sympathetic lawyers will be able to advise you about what you can do.
Do not hesitate to contact us for a free initial discussion about how we can help.