Elon Musk "paedophile" libel case kicks off
Judith Thompson 03-09-2018
Elon Musk's comment about a British cave diver taking part in the rescue of Thai boys from a cave has been well publicised. For reasons which are not clear, Elon Musk took to Twitter and accused the British diver of being a "paedo".
It is understood that proceedings are contemplated in the US and in England and English lawyers have been instructed to act for the diver.
Clearly, the accusation made is serious. If it is untrue, it is likely that an English court would find that serious harm has been caused to the diver's reputation. Given the extent of the publication (with Elon Musk having over 22 million followers) the damages which the diver could recover could be substantial.
Libel on social media is a growing phenomenon. At Samuels Solicitors LLP we have a national reputation for assisting clients with libel claims, many of which start out on Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, or other social media.
Whilst the court will not be interested in petty arguments or vulgar abuse, where damaging untrue statements are made, there have been numerous examples of defendants being ordered to pay tens of thousands of pounds to claimants.
If you have been the victim of libel on social media, if you have been wrongly accused of being a paedophile, then you could be entitled to substantial compensation.
In cases where you have a very strong prospect of success, we may be able to act for you under the terms of a conditional (no win no fee) agreement.
Contact us today to find out how we can help.