New Revenge Porn Sentencing Guidelines
Judith Thompson 04-09-2018
On 1 October 2018, new sentencing guidelines produced by the Sentencing Council for England and Wales will come into force.
The new guidelines tells judges and courts how they should be dealing with criminals, who humiliate other people by repeatedly publishing private sexual images and videos online.
They also include guidelines for stalking and harassment cases.
Although it is commonly known as "revenge porn", the actual offence is "disclosing private sexual images without consent". Currently, the maximum sentence which can be imposed is 2 years imprisonment.
The guidelines suggest stronger sentences for the following:
- posting material again once it has already been taken down;
- If "significant planning" goes into committing offences, such as taking time creating fake email addresses and social media accounts, in order to post material;
- Where a position of trust, such as being a teacher, social worker, doctor etc, is abused;
- Sending material to children;
- Distributing very violent images.
In addition to criminal action, in certain cases, it is also possible to bring a civil claim against people who post unwanted material online. This can be in the form of damages and compensation.
If someone has published intimate photographs without your consent, you could be entitled to bring a claim for damages against them.
If you have been a victim of revenge porn, contact us today to see how we can help.