Love Thy Lockdown Neighbour
Matthew Howe 24-04-2020
We are all living in very difficult times, dealing with the coronavirus lock-down and issues of self isolation.
Inevitably, where people live in close proximity to each other, in blocks of flats and terraces, this is likely to bring us into more contact and interaction with our neighbours.
With most people at home all day, often doing work in long-neglected gardens, issues could arise with boundaries, overhanging trees, escaping pets (or children!) or other such issues.
However, it is important to try and avoid the disagreements escalating. Our advice remains that (whilst following social distancing guidelines) it is best try to keep clam and resolve matters on an informal basis with your neighbours.
This is in your best interests too because if you have a serious dispute with your neighbour, you must disclose this to any potential buyers of your property, which could affect its value and the willingness of buyers to proceed. Therefore, resolving disputes if at all possible, before they become serious and expensive is advisable in all cases.
If there is a serious dispute which you think you have managed to resolve, it would be a good idea to record any agreement in writing now, so that it can be formalised later if necessary. This can also be helpful if you or your neighbour are thinking of selling your property.
If you cannot avoid an escalation in your dispute with your neighbour, we at Samuels as specialist boundary dispute lawyers are open for business, even though our physical offices are closed, and we can speak to you and advise you as usual. We have a long history of helping clients resolve problems with their neighbours. In most cases, negotiated settlements are reached, either through correspondence or mediation. In a few cases, this is not possible, and court proceedings are necessary. We have the expertise to help you reach a resolution, whether your neighbour will settle with you, or not.
If you need to speak to a solicitor about a dispute about your property boundaries, or a problem you are having with your neighbour, contact us today.