Jeremy Vine statement on settlement of his claims against Joey Barton

Judith Thompson  18-06-2024

Joey Barton has today published a public apology to Mr Vine in the form of a Pinned Tweet, in which Mr Barton apologises for defaming and harassing Mr Vine and acknowledges his agreement to pay Mr Vine £75,000 and his legal costs. 

This post by Mr Barton is only the first step in the settlement of Mr Vine’s legal claims against Mr Barton. As part of the process begun by the publication of the Pinned Tweet, Mr Barton is also required to participate in a Statement in Open Court, in which he will make a comprehensive formal apology to Mr Vine, and to give undertakings not to repeat his conduct. 

As part of a separate settlement, Mr Barton is to be required to pay Mr Vine a further sum of £35,000 in damages, pay additional legal costs, publish a second Pinned Tweet for 14 days, join in another Statement in Open Court, and to give further undertakings to Mr Vine. 

The £75,000 in damages is compensation in respect of Mr Barton’s repeated publication of the false allegation that Mr Vine has a sexual interest in children. This was the subject of a ruling by Mrs Justice Steyn on 24 May, in which the Judge for the most part rejected Mr Barton’s arguments that his publications on X did not bear that meaning. 

The separate settlement and payment of the additional sum of £35,000 arises from Mr Barton’s conduct after Mr Vine initiated proceedings. Mr Barton responded to being served with Mr Vine’s claim by making additional damaging and untrue publications about Mr Vine and his legal complaints, including by making statements in a crowdfunding page which he has now admitted were false. He also expressed a wish for Mr Vine to be run over while on his bike and disclosed Mr Vine’s home address to his followers. 

Mr Barton’s conduct gave rise to additional claims for defamation, harassment and invasion of privacy. Mr Barton’s attempt to argue that these claims were also resolved by the first settlement and the payment of £75,000 were subsequently rejected by the Court. 

Mr Vine is pleased that his claims have been resolved and that he has been vindicated in respect of Mr Barton’s appalling allegations and conduct.

Samuels Solicitors, in conjunction with 5RB, are instructed by Mr Vine. Contact us for further assistance. 

jeremy vine joey barton libel claim