Long Running Internet Trolling Case Ends
Judith Thompson 21-08-2018
It was reported last month that a woman who suffered one of the longest documented campaigns of internet trolling has finally won damages against her perpetrator. The defendant, Paul Curran, spent years setting up fake social media accounts, dozens of websites and even paid for advertising on Google, all of which was found to amount to harassment of Lindsey Goldrick Dean.
It is not known how much Mr Curran has agreed to pay Ms Dean but he has apologised for the distress caused by his behaviour.
Online harassment is an increasingly serious issue, with thousands of fake profiles being created across all social media platforms on a regular basis. Fake profiles are used to harass individuals and can have a devastating effect upon their wellbeing, their relationships and their employment.
Judith Thompson, a partner at Samuels Solicitors LLP with a specialisation of dealing with reputation management matters says: “this case highlights the historic difficulties that victims of online trolling have suffered. The fact that this matter has been rumbling on for 13 years demonstrates that it has taken the law some time to catch up with technology. The claimant is no doubt relieved that the matter has finally been concluded, and I hope the courts will not take so long in future to assist claimants in her position.”
If you have an issue with untrue statements being posted about you online contact one of our expert libel solicitors today, for a discussion about how we can help. In the most serious of cases we will potentially be able to offer assistance on the basis of a conditional (no win no fee) agreement.