Government crackdown on rogue landlords and leaseholds
Matthew Howe 01-01-2019
October 2018 marked the launch of a consultation to consider how to implement the government’s reforms to the leasehold system in England.
According to a press release introducing the consultation, we can expect the majority of new-build houses to be sold as freehold and new leases to be capped at just £10, ending the “unscrupulous practice of unnecessary leaseholds”. It also promises that “new measures are to be introduced to make it easier for leaseholders to get tenant associations formally recognised and protect consumer interests”.
The consultation aims to make the property market “fairer”, crack down on rogue landlords and end unfair charges for tenants.
Laura Mather, Solicitor in our conveyancing department comments: “There has been discussion in the media over the past few years about the issues surrounding escalating ground rents and this consultation is a welcome step to moderating the situation. How much impact it will have for tenants is unknown at this point and anyone affected by the issues raised should seek advice as to their position now rather than wait for the outcome of the consultation.”
At Samuels Solicitors LLP, we have a wealth of experience in assisting clients with leasehold and new build property. We are also dealing with many cases involving ground rent claims, where ground rents double every 5 or 10 years, to levels which make the property unsellable.
If you are thinking of buying a new build property or have questions over a lease, contact us today to find out how we can help. If you need help to bring a claim in relation to your ground rent, we may be able to assist you on a conditional (no win no fee) basis.