How Much Can You Sue for in Libel in the UK?

Judith Thompson  27-09-2024

Damages in libel cases are generally lower in the UK than they are in other jurisdictions, such as the USA or Australia. However, depending on various factors, which are discussed below, the damages you can claim in a libel case can be substantial.

If you believe you have been the victim of libel, you may be considering legal action. A crucial question arises: how much can you sue your opponent for, for defaming you?

Damages in libel cases can generally be categorised into two ways:

  1. General Damages: These are awarded to compensate a claimant, for the harm caused to their reputation, and the distress caused by the defamatory statement. General damages can vary widely based on factors such as the severity of the defamation, the context of the untrue statement, the extent of publication of the untrue words, and the impact on the claimant's personal and professional life.
  1. Special Damages: These refer to specific financial losses incurred as a direct result of the defamatory statement. Special damages require claimants to provide clear evidence of financial loss, such as lost income, damage to business opportunities, or other quantifiable damages related to the libel.


How are Libel Damages Calculated?

Several factors can influence the amount you can sue for in libel cases:

  • The severity of the defamation: The more damaging the statement, the higher the potential damages will be. Allegations of criminal behaviour, fraud, or professional misconduct can have a more severe impact on reputation compared to less serious claims.
  • How many people have seen the untrue statements, and the reach of the untrue publication: The extent to which the defamatory statement was spread to the public, can also affect the level of damages you can claim damages. Statements that reach a wider audience, especially through mainstream media or social media, can result in greater harm to your reputation.
  • The strength of evidence of the harm caused: Claimants who can provide concrete evidence of the damage caused by the defamatory statement such as loss of business, emotional distress, or other financial impacts may be awarded higher damages. If you can show a drop in the turnover of your business, if you have been sacked, or if you have had to visit your GP because of the distress that has been caused to you, this will all strengthen your case. 
  • The way in which the defendant has behaved: If the defendant acted with malice or gross negligence, this may lead to increased damages. For example, if you can prove that your opponent could not possibly have believed what they said about you, or if they carried on libelling you, even after you provided them with evidence that what they were saying was untrue, the damages you can claim could be increased. 


Examples of Libel Damages Awards

While the amount awarded in libel cases can vary significantly, there are some general ranges based on past High Court judgments. For example:

  • Low-Level Damages: Minor cases with minimal harm may result in awards of around £10,000 to £20,000.
  • Moderate Damages: Cases involving more serious allegations or significant harm to your reputation, may see awards ranging from £20,000 to £100,000.
  • High-Level Damages: In severe cases with widespread publication and significant impact on the claimant's life, damages can easily exceed £100,000.  

If you are considering suing for libel in the UK, it is essential to understand the potential damages you may be entitled to and the factors that influence those amounts. Libel claims can be complex, and navigating the legal landscape requires careful consideration of the evidence.

If someone has made untrue statements about you, you may well be able to bring a claim for damages. Contact us today to speak to an expert libel lawyer, about how we can help. 

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